Dear user,
All the peasent companions are welcome to MP Mandi app. You can get to know whole MP's mandi prices updates daily by downloading MP mandi app from play store.Here we regularly provide some important information related to mandi price as well as market prices.You can also get daily mandi Bhav updates as well as agriculture news,agriculture plan and useful and helpful information.
Characterstics or quallity of our app -
1. Daily fresh market quote
2. Some commodity expressions together
3. Market holiday's notice
4. Differnet mandi price on same aap
5. Farming news
6. Daily Mandi price updates
Mp mandi app is a best app around whole Madhypradesh. Mp mandi app is a free app and provides latest bhav without any coast.It provides you to all the mandi's prices provides Singoli,Neeemuch, Manasa,Mandasour,Ratalam,Bhopal, Gwalior, Indore,Jawbua, Jabalpur, Ujjain etc.mandi's latest prices of all type of varitey of all cropes. you can know mandi prices like chana rate,tuar rate,moong rate,,matar rate,maize rate,wheat rate,soyabeen bhav,groundnut rate,sugar rate,cotton rate,guar seed rate,castor bhav etc are available on MP mandi app.
Features of MP mandi app -
1. Easy to download
2. free in use
3. Latest Mandi bhav and related news
Disclaimer - We are not a Government Organization and are not linked in any way with the Government. We just provide information gathered from various trusted sources and from several Government organizations which are available in the public domain.